We first heard of Recess at Work Day at last year's annual meeting. This year North Shore staff and students continued the tradition.

n Revere, staff had to cancel the sand castle activity due to weather conditions. Instead they held a Limbo contest with a purple and a green team ("because we are teamplayers!!!," said Madeline Zapada.) The purple team won the contest.

"Everyone participated and really seem to enjoy it. After the Limbo contest we played a vocabulary game and everyone participated. As a reward to our students we had a pizza party. It was enjoyed by students and staff."

For more photos, click here.

A rain painting activity had been planned for Recess at Work in Salem but the weather didn't cooperate there either. So the day began with Bingo, then a "Doodly-Do" doodling workshop, producing two bulletin boards graced with everyone's doodling project(s)! After the students left, the staff went on to play a MEAN game of Candyland!

For photos, click here.

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