TRA staff gathered at Indian Meadows in Westborough on June 12 for the annual State of the State meeting. President/ CEO Paul Gallo announced that Kim Harmon, Vice-President of Operations/ Compliance, will become president July 1. He will continue as part-time CEO.

"She is the most goal-oriented and organized person I know," he said.

Thanking Paul for his support and guidance, Kim pledged to maintain the company's vision and mission.

"I look forward to working with you," she said. She noted that TRA has "continually created and transformed itself" and encouraged people to look at this time as "a rebirth which forces us to get our creative juices flowing."

We sang and laughed at the musical icebreaker. We learned about the company's 403(b) retirement plan. And we discussed what's working and what's not in various programs, offering suggestions for improvement.

Service award presentations and a humorous retrospective on Paul's career rounded out the day.

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