In Salem creativity is encouraged. On Friday, March 13 almost two dozen students and staff from the Young Parents Program, Supported Work, Food Stamps, Literacy Improvement and Work Employment Program participated in "Hat Day." They spent a relaxing afternoon making hats with a Spring theme.

"With just a simple newspaper hat pattern, it was truly amazing how many different styles were produced. They certainly are a very creative and artistic group. All who participated had a wonderful time!" said Food Stamps Coordinator/Literacy Improvement Instructor Gail Divico.

For more photos click here.

On April 9 instructor Emily James led the "Spring Flower Extravagenza," in which participants made beautiful flowers out of tissue paper and pipe cleaners.

Done on a regular monthly basis these activities have been found to be a good way for students to relax, express their creativity and interact socially in a less structured way.

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