My name is Angela Colburn. I first joined TRA’s Young Parent Program (in Quincy) because my case worker told me that I had to, in order to receive my cash benefits.

However, I realized that I also wanted to obtain my GED and wanted to gain some parenting skills as I was a young, inexperienced mother with no emotional or social support systems in place.

Before attending YPP, I had so many problems that it was difficult to know where to start to get help. YPP was an opportunity to get my life back on track and to set some goals for myself. I wanted a better life, not just for myself but for my daughter too. I started the program, but dropped out because of so many family issues. Then I regained focus and was determined to start the program again, and this time to accomplish my goals.

I was able to get my GED after attending the program in just 4 months. I applied to Quincy College and actually got in! I was so happy that finally things were going as planned. I hope to eventually attain my Nursing Degree and begin my career in Nursing. TRA’s YPP didn’t just get me my GED Certificate and into college. It also gave me training in parenting, life, and work skills. I also learned computer skills, which I now use at college. I met other young parents who were going through the same things I was and we were able to share what we know and learn together. I finally felt like I was not alone. The resources made available to me were and are unbelievable. I got help from sending a fax to Mass Health for my daughter’s health benefits to getting counseling for myself from a reputable therapist.

(TRA’s YPP) creates a brighter future for young parents and their kids. Angela Coburn Training Resources of America-Quincy Office Young Parents Program Graduate - FY13

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