Salem Trivia:

  • The Salem Maritime National Historic Site was the first American National Historic Site to be designated by Congress.
  • Salem was the center of Puritanism in America.
  • Nicknamed "The Witch City", Salem is home to the Salem Witch Trials.
  • American novelist and short story writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, was born in 1804 in the city of Salem.
  • Salem is the birthplace of the National Guard.
  • The game of Monopoly was first published in Salem by Parker Brothers.
  • Alexander Graham Bell made the first long-distance phone call from the Lyceum in Salem to the offices of the Boston Globe in Boston on February 12, 1877.


SNAP-Path-to-Work – provides education, training and work readiness preparation for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDS) who receive Food Stamps assistance.

For more information on the Salem site and the programs offered, contact
Lisa Welcome, Interim Manager,

10 Federal Street, Suite 15
Salem, MA 01970
Phone: (978) 744-2417
Fax: (978) 745-5757

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