Lesson 1: Digestive System

Identify organs of the human digestive system and their functions

Human Body Adventure - Digestive System - this website provides a complete simulated tour of the human body. Select the site map option which allow you to learn about a particular part of the body.

Digestive System - takes you to Healthboards web site where you can select an icon to explore the functions of the digestive system

Lesson 2: Functions of the Blood

Identify the components and functions of blood.


Life Blood - information on the parts of blood and blood types

Parts of Blood - describes the various parts of blood including white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Includes microscopic pictures of blood parts.

Lesson 3: Circulation and Respiration

Identify the process and organs involved in circulation and respiration.

Human Body Adventure - Circulatory System - this website provides a complete simulated tour of the human body.  Select the site map option which allow you to learn about a particular part of the body.

Human Body Adventure - Respiratory System - this website provides a complete simulated tour of the human body. Select the site map option which allow you to learn about a particular part of the body.

Cardiovascular System - takes you to Healthboards web site where you can select an icon to explore the functions of the circulatory and repiratory systems

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