Northstar Digital Literacy Project - The ability of adults to perform basic computer and internet tasks is assessed through online, self-guided modules. All TRA DESE students are expected to complete the Basic Computer Use module requirements. Students are also invited to voluntarily complete modules in other areas including: Internet, Windows Operating System, Mac OS, Email, Microsoft Word, Social Media, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. NEW Dec 2015
Google Applied Digital Skills - Google's Applied Digital Skills, is a free, project-based video curriculum. Whether your students need help with basic coding, project management, digital communications, or more, there's a ready-made lesson that enhances your instruction. NEW Nov 2019
GCF Learn Free - Technology - this site is sponsored by the Goodwill Community Foundation. It offers free online classes in Microsoft Office Suite products and tutorials in the many useful aspects of technology. There are also a limited numbers tutorials in mathematics, reading, work and career skills, and lifeskills. UPDATED May 2019
Excel Easy - this site offers free online tutorials in Microsoft Excel from basic to advanced skills. Follow the sequence to see basic instructions with easy to follow examples. Be careful to avoid clicking on the included ads which will require you to share information about yourself. NEW May 2019
Harnessing Technology to Serve Adult Literacy - this is a web site managed by David Rosen that includes a huge library of links that are catalogued with a rationale that makes them a valuable resource for teachers and learners integrating technology into adult education and english for speakers of other languages. UPDATED May 2019
Basic Computer Skills Curriculum for ABE - this site provides lesson modules developed by computer teachers from ABE programs in the St. Paul Community Literacy Consortium. It includes Lessons (handouts), Teacher Guides, Vocabulary Lists and Activities. NEW Apr 2012