On Friday, May 10, 2013, students enrolled in the Young Parents Program (YPP) at TRA-Springfield and their children joined staff and YPP mentors to honor and celebrate “Moms”.
On Friday, May 10, 2013, students enrolled in the Young Parents Program (YPP) at TRA-Springfield and their children joined staff and YPP mentors to honor and celebrate “Moms”.
Sometimes the best way to prove to a young person that they can overcome life’s obstacles is to introduce them to someone who already has.
TRA is one of four awardees nationwide to receive a U.S. Department of Labor grant to operate a Young Parents Demonstration Program (YPD) as part of a national project. Over a 2-year period, in partnership with LARE Training Center, TRA will enroll 400 low-income young parents (ages 16 to 24) into existing Young Parent GED/ Work Readiness training programs in Brockton, Fitchburg, Holyoke, New Bedford, Quincy, Salem, Springfield, Worcester, Chelsea and Lawrence, Massachusetts.
The Young Parents Program (YPP) provides a variety of services to pregnant and parenting out-of-school young people, aged 14-24, who have not achieved a high school diploma or its equivalent or who have a high school credential and are seeking to enroll in post-secondary education or training on a pathway to employment. Services include training in basic education, High School Equivalency Test (HiSET/GED) preparation, English for Speakers of Other Languages, parenting and life skills, career and college readiness, financial literacy, and goal setting.
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