Training Resources of America, Inc. (“TRA”) and Santander Bank, N.A. (“Santander”) have once again joined forces to enrich educational programming for low- to moderate-income individuals throughout Massachusetts.
Training Resources of America, Inc. (“TRA”) and Santander Bank, N.A. (“Santander”) have once again joined forces to enrich educational programming for low- to moderate-income individuals throughout Massachusetts.
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Worcester YouthBuild students and staff toured Saint-Gobain Corporation (SGC) Abrasives and the Northborough Research & Development Center to learn more about manufacturing and innovation. Following a safety orientation in Worcester, students toured Plants 7 and 8 where they learned the difference between bonded abrasives and superabrasives.
On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, Worcester YouthBuild students had a great opportunity to meet with US Congressman Jim McGovern. The Congressman shared his perspective on what is currently happening in our country and in particular in Washington, DC.
This post comes from TRA-Brockton's Starleana D'Amore, CIES Instructor/Employment Specialist...
A new cohort of twenty (20) YouthBuild students recently began the construction of a 790 square foot home located at 12 Forbes Street in Worcester, MA. This venture marks the first major collaboration between TRA and Worcester East Side Community Development Corporation (WESCDC). Upon completion, the home will be sold to a low-income, first-time homebuyer. Stay tuned for updated posts!
JESSICA DEROUIN of Monson, MA has rejoined the Training Resources of America, Inc. (TRA) Team as Manager of the Springfield Office. Ms. Derouin had previously been employed by TRA for eight (8) years, serving as Western Mass. Regional Manager, Assistant Manager, and Instructor/Case Manager. She holds a BA Degree in Psychology from River College, Nashua, New Hampshire! Welcome Back, Jess!
Happy Holidays from all of us at TRA! And here’s to a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2020! Looking forward to working with you in the coming year!
Please join us in congratulating our Fourth Quarter Employee Service Awardees for their dedicated service:
5 Years: Maria Clark, TRA-Corporate, Office Assistant (12/15/19)
10 Years: Maria Teresa Barrett, TRA-Worcester Instructor (11/16/19)
Heartfelt thanks for your contributions to TRA!
On Friday, December 6, 2019, TRA hosted its annual Staff Engagement Day at the Auburn Elks Club, attended by over forty (40) staff from corporate and all six (6) TRA training sites.
After retiring from a long and successful career as a technical instructor, Bruce Sadler met Training Resources of America, Inc. (TRA) Worcester’s Education and Career Advisor, Cynthia Vlasaty, at a mutual friend’s dinner party in 2012.
RFP for leased office space in the Quincy area.
Click here to get the form.
December 5, 2024
New Bedford
No Day Classes
Site Open for Staff and Night
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