On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, six (6) students graduated from the Worcester YouthBuild Program, operated by Training Resources of America, Inc. (TRA). The ceremony took place at the Fanning Building Auditorium, 24 Chatham Street, Worcester, MA.
On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, six (6) students graduated from the Worcester YouthBuild Program, operated by Training Resources of America, Inc. (TRA). The ceremony took place at the Fanning Building Auditorium, 24 Chatham Street, Worcester, MA.
Worcester, Mass., October 31, 2019 – Saint-Gobain, one of the world’s largest building materials companies and manufacturer of innovative material solutions, in partnership with Worcester YouthBuild (operated by Training Resources of America, Inc.) and Worcester Common Ground, today announced the completion of the first sustainable home project in Worcester under the national partnership betwee
Please join us in congratulating Mary Gleason, our Chief Financial Officer/Clerk of Corporation, for 35 years of dedicated service to Training Resources of America, Inc. We are deeply grateful for her invaluable contribution to TRA!
On Wednesday, July 10, 2019, Worcester YouthBuild, operated by Training Resources of America, Inc., Worcester Common Ground, and Saint-Gobain, one of the world’s largest building materials companies and manufacturer of innovative material solutions, teamed up to host a volunteer day to install products from Saint-Gobain’s largest construction materials company, CertainTeed in a new home being b
On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) held award ceremonies at the Massachusetts State House in Boston to highlight and recognize successful achievements by TAFDC recipients enrolled in DTA-funded Competitive Integrated Employment Service (CIES), Young Parents (YPP), and SNAP Path to Work programs operated by DTA vendors including Training Resources of Ame
Written by Nahoko Vigneau, M.Ed.,
TRA-Brockton ABE 1 Instructor
April 30, 2019
Western Massachusetts BusinessWest magazine announces the Honorees of the 13th Annual 40 Under Forty...
5 Years:
* Gerald (Jerry) Siplas, YouthBuild Worksite Supervisor/ Trainer - TRA Worcester -1/20/19
10 Years:
* Susan Osmers, Director of Human Resources - TRA-Corporate - 2/18/19
25 Years:
* Teresa (Terry) Guertin, Bookkeeper - TRA-Corporate - 3/14/19
THANK YOU! Your dedication and service are greatly appreciated!
Hats off to Congressman Jim McGovern for his recent visit to Worcester YouthBuild! We greatly appreciate his continued support in so many ways!
Wishing all our staff, students, partners, board of directors, and supporters a wonderful Holiday Season! Looking forward to working with you all in in the coming year! Here's to a healthy, happy, prosperous and peace-filled 2019!
RFP for leased office space in the Quincy area.
Click here to get the form.
February 10, 2025
New Bedford
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